Interpreting Difficult History at Museum and Hisoric Sites Review

Interpreting History Series

Interpreting Hard History at Museums and Historic Sites

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What People are Proverb

Merely Rose's masterful book dives deep into discomfort. She is taking seriously what is required to create an surroundings where history workers and visitors tin can all finally "go in that location," and truly face the most disturbing and emotional implications of American history.

Liz Ševčenko, Book Review Exhibition, Name 2017

In Interpreting Difficult History at Museums and Historic Sites, Julie grounds museum professionals in the challenges and opportunities of interpreting difficult historical topics and events. She offers readers a theoretical framework, Commemorative Museum Education, to assist frame the phases that learners get through as they come up to sympathize difficult noesis. Julie breaks downwards Commemorative Museum Pedagogy into the specific elements that will aid history workers build and sustain a sensitive and reflective civilization within their organizations, which in turn translates to more sensitive and cogitating interpretations and visitor interactions. Cartoon on examples from a variety of museums and historic sites, Interpreting Difficult Histories provides pedagogical context and practical techniques that are essential building blocks for creating comprehensive and careful interpretation.

Kristin Gallas, co-editor of Interpreting Slavery at Museums and Historic Sites

Julia Rose is unflinching about the essential role of museums as teachers of difficult history. She is, at the aforementioned time, deeply aware of the emotional pain many visitors experience when confronting the tragedies and injustices of the past. She writes with keen sensitivity about the overwhelming responsibleness of history workers who are "….tasked with finding a rest between respecting the fragility of learners' emotional responses to history and responsibly teaching the histories of homo suffering."

Interpreting Difficult History probes its discipline matter deeply. Through examples, example histories, and an analysis of the foundations of deprival and resistance, information technology explores the growing imperative for museums to become agents for social equity.

But Rose as well moves across argument. She offers an original and well-researched foundation for guiding the exercise of against difficult history. Through her richly substantiated Commemorative Museum Pedagogy, Rose supports history institutions and history workers with methodology that is intellectually and psychologically sound.

Beverly Sheppard, Contained Museum Consultant

Rose (director, West Baton Rouge Museum) provides a remarkably thorough and thought-provoking theoretical footing for displaying "difficult" histories in public venues. By including an impressive bibliography of works that examine everything from retentiveness to the psychology of the viewer to how to create intimacy in uncomfortable exhibit spaces, the writer has broken new basis in how practitioners of public history should remember nearly exhibiting the "history of oppression, violence, and trauma." Divided into half dozen chapters, the book provides a framework for defining and displaying difficult histories, along with a word of the ethics that surround such memorializations. Rose concludes by providing a instance study besides every bit the 5 critical elements that she posits must exist included in whatever delivery of a difficult history. She deftly illustrates that, when dealing with hard histories, in that location are multiple, often conflicting points of view that must be considered in lodge to accurately stand for what can be a painful by. In addition, difficult histories can assistance viewers and learners absorb and apply the lessons learned in that uneasy space to see how their actions can undo the injustices of the by in the nowadays.

J. M. Morris, Mount St. Joseph University, Option Outcome: March 2017 Vol. 54 No. 7

"In this original and insightful book, Julie Rose offers a penetrating assay of the challenges confronting—and the rewards awaiting—public historians as they encourage audiences to have an honest, unblinking look at the past. It is a must read for anyone seeking to use finer the transformational power of history to shape a amend futurity."

—Westward. Todd Groce, Ph.D., President and CEO, Georgia Historical Club November 2015, Endorsement for Interpreting Hard History

Julie Rose makes a valuable contribution in Interpreting Difficult History. As sites beyond the country bring challenging stories to their interpretation, history workers will come upon unforeseen challenges. Interpreting Hard History synthesizes and adapts psychology to unlock the learning processes of both visitors and front end line staff . This work is critically important for museum professionals. Dr. Rose's Commemorative Museum Pedagogy is a straightforward strategy for dealing with the particular needs and issues of contentious and upsetting history. Any historic site with a social justice focus or simply a temporary exhibition dealing with difficult topics will exist well-served to plough to this volume equally a roadmap and training resource. This volume will get a permanent function of grooming at the Whitney Plantation.

More and more celebrated sites are turning toward uncomfortable and difficult topics. Dr. Rose offers in her work a look at where this field is going and how we can sensitively engage visitors who volition exist coming to us with diverse backgrounds and expectations.

Ashley Rogers

Connecting the non-specialist public with scholarship that might illuminate both past and present and shape the process of coming to terms with them is a non-trivial chore, but Julia Rose illuminates a path forward. For most people who translate the past for a living, making sense of the past is the important job; for virtually everybody else, making peace with it is the emotional imperative. This disconnect helps explain why history museums have generally not been very successful in tackling emotionally painful material. Julia Rose'southward Commemorative Museum Pedagogy is an of import contribution to enabling museums to play both roles, equally they must effort to practise in these fraught and contested times. Rose offers strategies and methods to accomplish both or, more correctly, to assist their visitors in accomplishing both. If we want to avoid controversy and protect visitors from reacting in ways nosotros are unprepared to handle and even so intermittently find ourselves dealing with both or if we want to arouse controversy and choose to face up visitors with emotionally fraught material but discover no response forthcoming, this volume as well equips the states to sympathise what we did incorrect. People become to museums to run into new ways of thinking nearly other people, both the living and the dead, and nigh the earth, and besides to process the insights that can come up out of those encounters. They are also places with spiritual resonance where people get to ponder the universe, to experience epiphanies, to make new connections, and to mend broken ones. This book will help the states aid them do all that more finer.

Ken Yellis

Well-nigh the Author

Julia Rose is the celebrated firm manager at Marietta Celebrated House Museum in Prince George's Canton. Almost recently, Dr. Rose was the manager/curator of Homewood Museum at Johns Hopkins Academy in Baltimore, Doc. Dr. Rose was the director at West Baton Rouge Museum, an AAM accredited regional history museum.  Her main research interests focus on interpreting hard histories and documenting historical enslaved plantation communities for museum interpretations.  Currently, Dr. Rose serves a board fellow member for the Hammond Harwood House and the editorial board for the Periodical for Museum Teaching. She received a Ph.D. from Louisiana Country University, a Chief of Arts in Teaching in Museum Education from the George Washington University, and a B.A in Fine Fine art and Education from Country Academy of New York at Albany. She serves as a peer reviewer for the American Brotherhood of Museums. She has held positions at the Washington D.C Historical Society (formerly the Columbia Historical Club), Eastward Tennessee Historical Social club, and Magnolia Mound Plantation. Rose was also an banana professor teaching museum studies at Southern University of New Orleans and Louisiana Country University. Her recent book, Interpreting Difficult History at Museums and Historic Sites (Rowman & Littlefield, 2016), addresses museum learning and historical oppression.

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